Monday, November 9, 2015


I don't know about y'all, but I'm COLD!!!!   Ok, I get no sympathy from everyone, but 55 degrees in Northern California is chilly!!!  Plus, it's been raining (yeah, I know CA needs rain... Whatever....) which makes it even colder,
I have a bunch of bisque ware to glaze, but my "studio" is outside!!!   Guess I'm a bit of a wuss, but it's difficult to glaze in pouring-ass (technical term) rain and 100% humidity.  Ok, I admit it, I'm a pottery-weenie.     'Whine'.....

I PROMISE....  More to come......  Soon!!!

1 comment:

Gary's third pottery blog said...

If we are lucky, temps will get UP to 55 in November, here in Ithaca :)