Friday, December 19, 2008

Moly x 3 Portraits, so far

I seem to go in cycles. For a while, I make journals and other book structures like crazy. Then, I get enough of that and have to return to basics, drawing. Which is what I've been doing lately. I joined the Moleskine Portait group, in which you draw yourself, then send to the next person on the list. They must draw you and themselves, and send on to the next person.
So, here's the portrait I did of myself....

(Yes Kathleen, the pic makes me look WAY younger than I really am.)
The next one is the work-in-progress for the next person on the list, Albina.

and in a burst of insane creativity (maybe it was the cold medicine...) here's the finished Moly I'm sending to the next person on the list.

So, thankfully, I don't have anymore portaits on my plate. yet..... :D
Happy, Sane, Holidays!

Monday, December 15, 2008

For the Moly X Portrait3 folks

Hi all,
Nope, pics of me aren't here, they're on my Flickr Site:

I'm sending my moly out tomorrow, and YAY!! I got Albina's today!! So, I'm gonna get going and get on schedule. 'sigh'.... at least try....
No, wait, Yoda said "Try not. Do or do not. There is no try." Crap. Guess I gotta "do". No options here, I don't wanna mess with Yoda. Do you??

I went out and snooped at Albina's various sites, and I'm SO impressed!! Wow, what an artist!! And a photographer and a writer!! Where does she get her time??

Anyway, here in sunny California it snowed today, plus some hail. But it didn't stick, it's just cold and wet. I had to go out for a bit, and got caught in a hail storm. Funny, seems like just yesterday it was over 100 degrees here. :D